Friday, June 27, 2008

The archives bazaar!

It's official! The LA As Subject Forum's 3rd annual Archives Bazaar is set for October 25 at the Davidson Center at USC. The Huntington Library had generously played host for the initial bazaars but due to heavy crowds this year we will be moving to a much larger venue.

The Bazaar features exhibits from local historical collections, museums, and archives. Attendees may browse collections, schedule research visits, and consult with experts from the Autry Museum, All the Saints of the City, Braun Research Library, Beverly Hills Public Library, Bison Archives, California African American Museum, California Council for the Humanities, California State Universities, Center for the Study of Political Graphics, Chinese Historical Society of Southern California, County of Los Angeles Resource Centers, Eighth & Wall Inc., Fairchild Photos, Filipino American Library, GAZIN Photo Archive, Getty Center, Huntington Library, Historical Society of Long Beach, Los Angeles Public Library History Department, Workman and Temple Homestead Museum, Japanese American National Museum, La Senora Research Institute, LA84 Foundation, Libraries of the Claremont Colleges, Lightcatcher, Loyola Marymount University, Mayme A. Clayton Library, Occidental College, ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives, Pico Rivera Heritage Society, Santa Monica Library, Seaver Center and Natural History Museum, Shildler Collection of Southern California Ephemera, Society of California Archivists, Southern California Genealogical Society, Southern California Library for Social Research, St. Vincent's Medical Center, UCLA Film & Television Archive and USC Special Collections. Planning is now underway for educational programmed presentations to explore the latest issues in the world of Los Angeles archives and collections.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Andrew Carnegie would approve

The master library builder would be proud.

Hannon faces

Summer '08 finds the Hannon library of the future coming right along.

The two contrasting exteriors views almost suggest the melding of the traditional box versus the form of a stack of discs.